• LIVER GOLD forte Quick View
    • LIVER GOLD forte

    • Excellent Liver Formula Made from Natural Herbs! In this polluted world, our livers are constantly bombarded with various toxins such as polluted air and water as well as herbicides, pesticides, food additives, toxic chemicals, and other pollutants. The liver plays the most important role in the detoxification of the body, filtering blood to remove large toxins, synthesizing and secreting bile…
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    • OPC GOLD Quick View
    • OPC GOLD

    • The main antioxidants in OPC GOLD include: Polyphenols: Catechins, which comprise four major epicatechin derivatives; namely, epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and  epigallocatechin (EGCG). Flavonoids: kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, and proanthocyanidins, etc.   Substances in OPC GOLD are used as a natural treatment for various chronic diseases including cancers, heart disease and coronary artery disease, among others. Some of the benefits are as follows:…
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    • PANACEA GOLD Quick View

    • PANACEA GOLD, Cure All, 100% Natural Antioxidant Formula For Your Well-bing and Longevity! A vast range of the effects of PANACEA GOLD: Cancer prevention effects (anti-carcinogenic property): The main ingredients of PANACEA GOLD  show strong anti- cancer (anti-tumor) action by their potent antioxidant, anti-carcinogen, anti-inflamatory and anti- radiation activities. * PANACEA GOLD  helps the body have potent inhibitory effects on cancer cells…
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    • PROPOLIS & ECHINACEA Throat Spray Quick View
    • PROPOLIS & ECHINACEA Throat Spray

    • Quick Solution to Mouth and Throat Problems: Aphthous Stomatitis, Mouth or Throat Infections, Tonsillitis, and Sore Throat! Propolis & Echinacea Throat Spray can help to relieve the painful problems quickly. Bee propolis is believed to stimulate phagocytosis, the means by which white blood cells destroy bacteria. Propolis is beneficial when it is used as a salve for abrasions and bruises…
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    • PROPOLIS GOLD Quick View

    • The Miracle of Nature! A Powerful Natural Antibiotic! The Natural Antibiotic Bee Propolis is a resinous substance collected by bees from leaf buds and tree bark. Bee propolis is the immune system of the beehive. As a natural antibiotic, antiviral and fungicide, Bee Propolis is the beehive`s first line of protection against attack by microorganisms. With tens of thousands of…
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    • ROYAL GOLD Quick View

    • The Benefits of ROYAL GOLD are as follows: Maintain Overall Strength and Improve Muscle Growth: ROYAL GOLD will help protein synthesis and improve muscle growth. Increase Endurance and Stamina: ROYAL GOLD shows noticable increase in the time for most athletes to workout. Speed up Fat Burn: ROYAL GOLD will help your body make the switch to depending on fat for fuel. Reduced Fatigue: ROYAL GOLD will…
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    • ROYAL JELLY 1000 Quick View
    • ROYAL JELLY 1000

    • The Most Precious Nutrients from Canada! Royal Jelly and Queen Bee The queen bee receives Royal Jelly throughout her entire life of about eight years, rules the hive and lays millions of eggs. Worker bees, on the other hand, do not receive Royal Jelly (except for the first three days of their lives) and live from only two to six…
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    • ROYAL JELLY powder Quick View
    • ROYAL JELLY powder

    • The Most precious Nutrient from Canada! Royal Jelly and Queen Bee The queen bee receives Royal Jelly throughout her entire life of about eight years, rules the hive and lays millions of eggs. Worker bees, on the other hand, do not receive Royal Jelly (except for the first three days of their lives) and live from only two to six…
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    • SEAL OMEGA GOLD 1000mg Quick View
    • SEAL OMEGA GOLD 1000mg

    • Keeps the Artery Wall Soft and Free of Plaque! DPA, The powerful effect on CVD(cardiovascular disease) SEAL OMEGA GOLD 1000 a superior source of Omega-3 compared to fish oil.  Greenland Eskimos whose diet includes predominantly seal meat and oil have a much lower incidence of CVD* and cancers despite a diet high in the consumption of fats. Greenland Eskimos consume…
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    • SEAL OMEGA GOLD 500mg Quick View
    • SEAL OMEGA GOLD 500mg

    • Helps Keep your Artery Walls Soft and Free of Plaque! DPA: Its Powerful Effect on Cardiovascular Diseases Seal oil is a superior source of Omega-3 compared to fish oil. Greenland Eskimos, whose diet relies predominantly on seal meat and seal oil, have a much lower incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer, despite a diet high in fat. Greenland Eskimos…
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    • SHARK GOLD Quick View

    • Arthritis Shark cartilage in capsule form is currently used to successfully combat the pain of arthritis. Shark cartilage contains large amounts of mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrates that form chemical bonds with water), which stimulate the immune system, reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Since cartilage is a living tissue, oral dosages are actually believed to help repair damaged human cartilage, according…
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    • SHARK GOLD A Quick View

    • Solution  to Arthritis and Tumors! ARTHRITIS Shark cartilage in capsule form is currently being used successfully to combat the pain of arthritis. Shark cartilage contains large amounts of mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrates that form chemical bonds with water) which stimulate the immune system. This reduces the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Since cartilage is a living tissue, oral dosages are believed to…
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